Montreal Tips is a Montreal based blog that supports ideas, entrepreneurs, startups, businesses, causes and local talent.
We are a non-for-profit site. Our goal is to share the best local insights out there, all while helping others. We donate any revenues we make on this site to good causes.
Causes we support
- Montreal Children’s Hospital – Here is our donation page: https://childrenfoundation.com/fundraiser/montreal-tips-giving-back/
- Breast Cancer
- UN Refugee Foundation – https://captaim.com/supporting-a-cause/
Montreal Tips is best known for:
- Supporting good causes in Montreal and world wide
- Supporting woman entrepreneurs
- Supporting businesses that are community and environmentally conscious
- Biking and hiking recommendations
- Nature pictures in Montreal and Canada
Let us know how you like our site and any recommendations you may have.
Tarek your blog is so cool ! I was showing seomworld to my boss and I saw that you had another one, and an awsome one for that matter !
We’re always having a 5 à 7 at my job on Friday’s so if you wanna join sometime us you’re very welcome to do so, the office is located at the 1009 Bleury. We’re sharing a condo between 3 startups : ours providing real estate services, loyerexpress which is a payment collection service and the last one I never really knew someting about tracking hackers and pedophiles haha.
I’m not on facebook anymore so feel free to call me anytime if you’re interested. 438 876 9012
And again, awsome blog !
Hey Alexis,
Thank you for your feedback on the blog, and for showing Seowmorld to your boss! :)
I will be more than happy to join on one of your cinq a sept!
This is my number -, feel free to update me if you are meeting next friday. looking forward to meet you.
P.s. congrats on the job