Fall trees in Montreal

Spa Oasis Montreal bed

Montreal Spa Oasis

A Montreal based spa bringing the latest and the greatest to its clients.

Spa oasis is a Medi-Aesthetic Boutique Spa that aims to bring wellness to human body.

By combining therapies from both Asia and the West, Spa Oasis aims to offer the most complete range of spa services from personalized body maintenance and weight management programs, to anti-aging cure and skin condition treatments.

Whether you are suffering from migraines, sciatic nerve pains, muscles pains or stress related tensions, Spa Oasis’ therapeutic treatments will provide you great relief.

Managed by a group of entrepreneurial Montreal women, the spa is always aspiring to bring the latest and the greatest in the beauty and treatment industry.

Here is where you can find the spa:

Here is what you can expect when you are visiting the spa:

Spa Oasis Services Spa Oasis Services Spa Oasis Massage Spa Oasis Montreal Spa Oasis Montreal bed Spa Oasis Montreal equipmentCellulite Treatment Montreal prenatal therapy MontrealMassage therapy MontrealBody wraps Montrealhands and feet treatmentSpa for losing weightSpa Montreal

You can reach spa oasis by phone at 514-747-1111

Opening Hours:
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM

Email: [email protected]

montreal life coaching

Do you sometimes feel discouraged with failure? The only way to move forward in life is to try, to fail and to keep trying.

Canadian entrepreneur, author, life and business coach, Melissa Dawn is launching her book “I Attract What I Am” which is a healing and informative book about transforming failures and creating a joyful life and business.

She authentically shares her personal journey through two experiences with divorce, leaving her position as the VP of Marketing as a single mother to creating a successful and truly meaningful life and business that is heart-led and joy-inspired.

Learn from her wisdom as she shares practical steps, tips and key strategies that helped her get where she is today.

Book on transforming Failures

Pre order your copy of “I Attract What I Am” before July 23rd, 2017 and receive an added bonus worth $250 – access to the first four modules of Melissa Dawn’s life-changing “CEO of Your Life & Business Course” to jump start your own transformative journey!

These four bonus modules will help you clarify your values, your life purpose, how to connect to your higher self and how to create a big picture vision of what you truly want while giving you the guidance and confidence to start taking the necessary steps towards it.

To transforming your failures into the life you truly want!

Read more on the Canadian life and Business Coach.