Louis Heroux | Real Estate Agent West Island of Montreal
Open your news app on any given day and you’ll find at least one news item about the real estate market on (and around) the island of Montreal. Trends are constantly changing. New neighbourhoods come into the spotlight. Gentrification starts. Stalls. Picks up speed.
Whether you’re a homeowner looking to sell, a first-time buyer, a seasoned buyer, or even looking to expand your portfolio, maybe looking into income properties… there are just so many questions!
Add in the often complex laws around taxes, ownership, zoning, etc, and things can feel pretty hectic.
Maybe your dreams even start to look less possible.
That’s where real estate brokers like Louis Heroux come in. In the Montreal area alone there are probably hundreds of truly amazing realtors but, as in many industries, they will all have their own unique approach to the work that they do. The key is finding someone who is a right fit for you and what you want to achieve.
Louis’s approach is one of teamwork: broker and client working together to clarify the client’s vision, explore possibilities and get the client to where they want to go in the real estate world, whether that’s a selling, buying or expanding vision.
He currently serves areas primarily in Montreal’s West Island, and has expertise in a variety of real estate ventures.
Louis believes in being a go-to person for his clients. With years of experience, he has a deep understanding of the ins and outs of real estate, particularly in Montreal’s dynamic market. His aim is to provide clarity and peace of mind, helping clients see through the often intimidating layers of laws, regulations and paperwork, to what really is possible. When you have someone on your side who knows every base that needs to be covered, it brings your dreams closer to reality.
In a market like Montreal, where the landscape is constantly changing, Louis strives for win-win situations, where his clients come first and all parties feel good about the outcome, and empowered by their real estate experience.
If you’re looking for a personal approach, where the strategy begins with what you want to achieve, that’s the approach Louis Heroux takes; helping his clients, one by one, get to where they want to be.
As a strong believer in everyone having a safe and empowering roof over their heads, Louis is also a supporter of the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation, which is Canada’s largest public foundation dedicated exclusively to funding women’s shelters and violence prevention programs.
If you have questions for Louis, or would like to know more about working with him, you can contact him at [email protected].