Tech Talk By Tarek Riman | The Impact of Data and Analytics on Today & Tomorrow

The Impact of Data and Analytics on Today & Tomorrow This workshop will give you an overview of how data and analytics are impacting our daily lives, our job search, our productivity and our marketing strategies. We will go over trends,…
Quebec Parks

Jacques Cartier National Park | Summer and Winter Activities

Over 100 km of hiking trails in Quebec Collection of summer and winter activities year round. 670 Squared kms of trees, mountains and wildlife The park has a lot of activities, such as hiking, camping, biking and…
AquaVerti Farms

Robotic Farming – The Future in Action in Montreal | A Feature on AquaVerti Farms

The evidence is as clear as the increasingly extreme weather conditions all over the world: we need to get serious about changing the way we do things if we’re going leave behind a livable planet. It’s a scary truth, but there’s also…
Y4Y Quebec Helps English-Speaking Youth Thrive!
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Y4Y Quebec Helps English-Speaking Youth Thrive!

In 2018, Le Journal de Montreal commissioned a poll that revealed some discouraging figures about English-speaking Quebec youth. According to that poll, about 60% of respondents were considering leaving Quebec due to tensions between the anglophone…
Montreal Based Author
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Entrepreneurs & Business Owners: Do You Know the Secret to Capitalizing on Analytics?

If you own a business today, odds are you have a website for that business. Whether you are selling something directly online, taking reservations, offering downloads, conducting your entire business online, or simply providing information about…
Art exhibition Montreal
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Convergence: Arts, Neuroscience, and Society a thrilling Artscie double exhibition!

Convergence: Arts, Neuroscience, and Society a thrilling Artscie double exhibition!   This Friday the first of two inter-intra-trans-disciplinary vernissage happenings will take place at the Visual Voice Gallery at 5 pm. From April…
Kids laughing and having fun
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SPOTLIGHT: Kidtabulous – Caring and creative mobile childcare for events!

Parents, have you ever been to Ikea and found yourself weighing the euphoric joy of shopping kid-free with the inevitable pink eye they’re going to get from the ball pit?   We all know that kids mean sacrifice, often of our personal…
Most Beautiful Peaks in Quebec

Gaspésie National Park | Most Beautiful Peaks in Quebec

Gaspésie National Park A Magical 80 Years Old Park The Ultimate Hiking Experience Containing the highest peaks in Quebec and a unique selection of species and landscape. The high peaks in the park are mainly due to under-water volcanoes…

About Montreal Tips

What is Montreal Tips about?

Montreal Tips helps you know the ins and outs of Montreal: nature trails, main attractions, women entrepreneurs, businesses that are worth checking out.

What topics do we cover in Montreal Tips?

At Montreal tips we cover topics that help you find your passions around the city and find activities aligned with your interest.

Montreal is a diverse and dynamic city with so much to offer. From hikes through the woods, to family staycations, to events and spaces for entrepreneurs and, of course, a night on the town, there is truly something for everyone in and around Montreal.

Montreal Tips Mission and Purpose

What is Montreal tips mission?

The mission and purpose of Montreal Tips is to support ideas, entrepreneurs, startups, businesses, causes and local talent, helping them succeed while helping Montrealers and tourists discover new businesses, activities and experiences.


We are a not-for-profit site, and our goal is to share the best local insight out there, while helping others, by giving away any revenue that we make on these sites to good causes.

Current Cause we are supporting at Montreal Tips.

Montreal Children’s Hospital. Please check our donation page

Previous Causes we support at Montreal Tips

  1. Breast Cancers
  2. Poor Communities in the Bahamas
  3.  UN Refugee Foundation

What is Montreal Tips is best for knowing for?

  • Supporting Small and New Business in Montreal
  • Supporting Entrepreneurs and Startups
  • Supporting Women Entrepreneurs
  • Supporting Good Causes in Montreal and World Wide
  • Bike trips and Advice
  • Nature Pics in Montreal and Canada
  • Beautiful Photography Around Montreal & Canada
  • Advice and Tips for People New to Canada and Montreal

Disclaimer: Montreal Tips is here to support, share and feature ideas, causes, businesses and people. We are not liable for your actions based on what you read in these blogs.

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Please help us support the Breakfast Club of Canada.

Supporting Breakfast Club of Canada


Women Entrepreneurs in MTL