10 Best poutine restaurants in Montreal 2022

Poutine is an amazing meal and one that a lot of people in Montreal like quite a bit. It has quickly become a local favourite, and many people enjoy it. Which makes you wonder, where can you eat some great poutine? There’s no shortage of restaurants…

10 Best thrift shops to visit in Montreal

Thrift shopping near Montreal can be extremely exciting and fun, especially if you are looking for some great deals. Thankfully, there’s no shortage of shopping locales in Montreal, and it all comes down to taking your time and finding some…
10 Best-Paying Jobs in Montreal
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10 Best-Paying Jobs in Montreal

10 Best-Paying Jobs in Montreal If you are a job seeker looking for the best pay, Montreal could be your best shot. As one of Canada’s largest cities, it offers many opportunities. Montreal is known for its affordable living conditions.…

10 Best Sports Bars Montreal

10 Best Sports Bars Montreal Montreal is one of the cities in the world where sports are highly valued. It feels great to get that big ticket for the next sporting event. You can even get the front seat for a better experience. But what…

10 Best Waterfalls near Montreal [Updated 2024]

10 Best Waterfalls near Montreal Canada is home to the best natural attractions in the world. Every city prides itself on a wide range of attractions that make them worth visiting.  And Montreal is one of the best ones.  A short distance…

Top 10 Most In-Demand Jobs in Montreal

Top 10 Most In-Demand Jobs in Montreal There is a rising demand for skilled labour in the whole of Quebec. And this trend is expected to continue, especially in Montreal. Several sectors have been facing a huge shortage of workers, forcing…
10 Best Yoga Studios Montreal | Top 10 Yoga Spots in Montreal

10 best yoga studios in Montreal

Top 10 Yoga Spots in Montreal Whether you want a quick session or one that is more intensive, there's an option for everyone! Yoga can do wonders for your body and mind. It helps you relax, unwind, boost energy levels - all while getting…
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10 best wineries to visit around Montreal

Montreal is widely known for its extraordinary, high-quality wines, so there’s no issue trying to find a great winery here. In fact, we created a list of the 10 best wineries to visit around Montreal, so you will have no problem finding the…

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What is Montreal Tips about?

Montreal Tips helps you know the ins and outs of Montreal: nature trails, main attractions, women entrepreneurs, businesses that are worth checking out.

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At Montreal tips we cover topics that help you find your passions around the city and find activities aligned with your interest.

Montreal is a diverse and dynamic city with so much to offer. From hikes through the woods, to family staycations, to events and spaces for entrepreneurs and, of course, a night on the town, there is truly something for everyone in and around Montreal.

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The mission and purpose of Montreal Tips is to support ideas, entrepreneurs, startups, businesses, causes and local talent, helping them succeed while helping Montrealers and tourists discover new businesses, activities and experiences.


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Montreal Children’s Hospital. Please check our donation page https://childrenfoundation.com/fundraiser/montreal-tips-giving-back/

Previous Causes we support at Montreal Tips

  1. Breast Cancers
  2. Poor Communities in the Bahamas
  3.  UN Refugee Foundation

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  • Supporting Women Entrepreneurs
  • Supporting Good Causes in Montreal and World Wide
  • Bike trips and Advice
  • Nature Pics in Montreal and Canada
  • Beautiful Photography Around Montreal & Canada
  • Advice and Tips for People New to Canada and Montreal

Disclaimer: Montreal Tips is here to support, share and feature ideas, causes, businesses and people. We are not liable for your actions based on what you read in these blogs.

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Supporting Breakfast Club of Canada


Women Entrepreneurs in MTL